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The Secret To An Organized Desk
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Having an organized office desk can keep you on task, help you find things when you need them, and even increase productivity. No one wants to work at a messy, unorganized desk, so start organizing and be ready to tackle your work with new clarity!

There have been studies that show that someone could lose up to an hour each day just due to disorganization. Have you had a heart-dropping moment trying to find a client’s information, or just trying to find a pen? Getting, and most importantly staying, organized can help you manage your workspace, and hopefully inspire you to work better.

If your desk is strewn with papers or other items, you will need to use some organizational containers to corral everything. Papers should be filed away, ideally, or at least kept in folders or trays to eliminate the visual stress they cause being scattered on your desk.

Only keep the necessary office supplies on your desk. You probably don’t need every highlighter and paperclip front and center on your desk. Move barely-used items to drawers, and organize those items you do use in a neat, visually appealing way. Once you have only the essentials on your desk, you will hopefully be able to find what you need more quickly and easily. Getting up to find something breaks your train of thought and makes it hard to get started again. Have your supplies ready and your day will flow more smoothly.

While there is the temptation to fill every inch of your desk, keep some space left clear so that if you need to look over papers, or set down a coffee mug, there is space to do so. Leaving this space can be mentally good as well, and gives you a clean area to work in.

If your workspace is overflowing with sticky notes, reminding you of appointments, deadlines and ideas, they have probably ceased serving their purpose. Too many visual reminders can actually just become part of the background noise of your desk. Limiting memos to the most important will mean you actually remember to complete those tasks.

So don’t wait, clear your desk off now to start enjoying all the benefits of a clean workspace. Stop looking for missing office implements, and have everything in its place, right where you need it. We’re sure your custom Fred L Lake stamps will keep a prominent place on your office desk; they are one of the office tools you probably can’t live without!